

About Me

David Forslund is a Linköping-based artist who paints nature and animals with a vivid, imaginative colour palette. He thrives on inspiration and reinvention. Every artwork is a new experience. Recently his materials of choice are watercolour and oil pastels. David perceives art as a life-force and an emotive language that speaks about beauty and our world in ways that words cannot. In the hunt for these qualities, he is driven by depicting the beauty in nature. A recurring theme in his art is the wild, untamed, ancient aspects of nature in contrast to the modern man. His inspiration is often drawn from the forests of Östergötland with its magical green worlds of moss-clad boulders and old trees. Rocks and boulders are often seen in his works. As an experienced rock-climber, he possesses an intimate relation to these geological formations and their eternal, comforting presence.

David was born in Uppsala, Sweden in 1984. He combines his life as an artist with a career in natural science. With a degree in engineering physics, he specializes in mathematical image processing.  In the artistic field, he studied a year at the  School of Creative Arts and Media, University of Tasmania, Australia. He has also taken a number of shorter courses. Most of his artistic development however stems from studying other artists; his teenage mentor Linda Bergqvist, old masters such as Rembrant and Vermeer and contemporary peers.

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Contact Details

For collaboration and comission requests, please reach out to me on email or contact me on my instagram account


Originals for sale are available in my online store
